
There is no magic pill. You need to be willing to put in the work. Get your food in line, drink your water, get your sleep, and manage your stress.

I am often asked for a magic pill in weight loss. To be honest, they exist. But I […]

The Magic Pill

Falling and ripping holes in my new gloves the week of a race is never good. But I feel great, regardless. I have prepared well and feel great. Now if the sidewalk would stop tripping me up.

I am super excited that race day is approaching! I have trained more than I have ever before, […]

Falls and Races

Most of us developed bad relationships with food and bad habits surrounding food without ever realizing what was happening. Now as adults, we need to undo our bad habits. As I help others make healthy lifestyle changes, I am also trying to teach my own children to have healthy relationships with things, like food and money and working out, so that they never find themselves in the situations my clients are in as they age.

I had a great conversation the other day about our habits, and frankly about our unhealthy relationships with […]

Eating Habits and Growing Up

Running is like a drug these days for me. I am able to clear my mind, my joints don't ache. I feel strong and accomplished. It is hard to get out of bed though. Man, do I struggle with waking up the last week or so,

It is starting to become real that I am actually running a 15K race. This weekend will be […]

Race Day is Coming!

your perspective can be a game changer. focus on the changes you need to make to be healthy. weight loss is not the end goal. the goal is to be healthy from the inside out and your weight is only one part of it.

Why are some people successful in weight loss? What makes some thrive in adversity? It is all about […]

Gearing Up For Change

Do not reward yourself with food. We don't work out to earn treats. It is about balance and lifestyle and healthy from the inside out. Your number on the scale is not an indication of your level of health.

We have all been conditioned to turn to food for comfort, for celebration, for our feelings. Food was […]

Healthy Celebrations

John C Maxwell has some great nuggets of wisdom. Are you focusing on what is important to reach your goal or are you not reaching down deep enough to do what needs to be done

Success each day should be judged by the seeds sown,not the harvest reaped. John C Maxwell John C […]

Your day’s seeds sown