weight loss

Running is like a drug these days for me. I am able to clear my mind, my joints don't ache. I feel strong and accomplished. It is hard to get out of bed though. Man, do I struggle with waking up the last week or so,

It is starting to become real that I am actually running a 15K race. This weekend will be […]

Race Day is Coming!

your perspective can be a game changer. focus on the changes you need to make to be healthy. weight loss is not the end goal. the goal is to be healthy from the inside out and your weight is only one part of it.

Why are some people successful in weight loss? What makes some thrive in adversity? It is all about […]

Gearing Up For Change

Do not reward yourself with food. We don't work out to earn treats. It is about balance and lifestyle and healthy from the inside out. Your number on the scale is not an indication of your level of health.

We have all been conditioned to turn to food for comfort, for celebration, for our feelings. Food was […]

Healthy Celebrations

Bug Bit! I've officially been bit...by the running bug - Becka's Boot Camp I have never considered myself a runner. I always thought my arthritis would stop me. I have never felt in the zone. But it is great and I look forward to my runs every day. And what can be better than training for a relay run with a bunch of friends.

I’ve officially been bit…by the running bug. I have done 5Ks over the years. And I usually rarely […]

Bug Bite!

John C Maxwell has some great nuggets of wisdom. Are you focusing on what is important to reach your goal or are you not reaching down deep enough to do what needs to be done

Success each day should be judged by the seeds sown,not the harvest reaped. John C Maxwell John C […]

Your day’s seeds sown

I love the summer. I love the freeness, the opportunities for outdoor fun. This summer I am working on my life balance of fun and work. It is a constant battle, but I am set on winning this year. Maintaining a level of productivity with extreme happiness through adventures with the kids.

In my mentoring group, we have been challenged to say Today is going to be the best day […]

Best Day of My Life!

We have started a 10,00 squat in 30 day challenge. It is a great test of character as to who will stick with it.If someone hands you a plan, do you have enough follow through to see it to its completion? What if others are on the journey with you and helping push you along? It is all in the follow through. This isn't an all or nothing test. Miss a day? Make it up the next!

So we started a squat challenge. 10,000 squats in a month. My legs hurt in places I didn’t […]

Squat Challenge