healthy eating

More than a Math Game Becka's Boot Camp Are you working on becoming your best? It isn't easy. It is a lifestyle, a marathon, a change in mindset. You will find a new outlook on life, a new joy for living, and a zest for fun. Sounds great, doesn't it? So why doesn't everyone want to live healthy? It calls for planning, prepping, and maybe missing out on things you used to think were required for fun. Friends and friendships change.

You need to eat less, move more. Sound familiar? Unfortunately that would only be true if we lived […]

More than a Math Game

Losing weight itself isn't hard. It is the changing of your lifestyle that causes people to put up road blocks. You need to lose your excuses and find your why. You may even lose some friends, when you start living healthy, it forces them to take a good long look at their own health. Some people would rather shut you away than face their own reality.

To be healthy requires physical and mental health. The English word “health” comes from the Old English “hale”, meaning […]

Weight Loss and Healthy Living

You don't begin living healthy when you reach a certain size or weight. You begin living healthy when you make healthy choices.

As you know, I have a million reasons why you should work out. Weight loss isn’t a main […]

Healthy Living

They say all the time that health is a continual journey. I have really seen that for myself this year. If has taken me 35 years to get to this place. I have had good mental health, good physical health before, but I had never really put it all together in a conscious sort of way. Man, it feels fantastic. But I can't stop growing from here, maybe I won't make as many changes to my routines, but I need to keep pressing on. My life depends upon me continuing to keep going.

I have a post-it that sits on my computer. It is at the bottom of the screen, so […]

Becoming Never Ends

There is no magic pill. You need to be willing to put in the work. Get your food in line, drink your water, get your sleep, and manage your stress.

I am often asked for a magic pill in weight loss. To be honest, they exist. But I […]

The Magic Pill