So you don’t do resolutions

If you’ve taken Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendency quiz and it came up as a rebel (or were told to take the quiz and never did), this post is for you!

Gretchen Rubin's four tendencies







Rebels don’t do what mainstream society does. They beat to their own drum. The key is to reframe resolutions into something you want to do.

Lately, I’ve seen more and more people posting about their “word” for the year. Maybe that suits you a little more than creating goals or a new year’s resolution.

What is your word of the year? In the past, I have chosen Patience and Intentional. This year, I am going with GSD, or Get Shizz Done







There are totally ways to reach new milestones without setting a new year’s resolution. Perhaps start a new adventure on a Wednesday, in the middle of the month. Or since a goal without an action plan is just a dream, create yourself action plans. You can also look at changes you want to make as already having occurred. Don’t set a goal to start running, call yourself a runner and go run.

If you have reservations against goal setting, what are they?