Friends and Fitness Fun

Friends are fun and fitness is fun. So why not combine the two? As you know, your first work outs always free. Sometimes, one work out isn’t enough to get a taste of how good you can feel when you make time to work out. For the month of October, bring a new friend with you, for a whole week, and they don’t pay anything.

We enjoy working out in small groups at Becka’s Boot Camp because of the community it fosters. We are all on a similar, yet different journeys to getting healthy. Having your friend join our community is beneficial in several ways.

Accountability: It is one thing to be accountable to Becka, as you pay her and she stands in the garage awaiting your arrival. It is a whole new ball game when you are leaving work and meeting a friend (or co-worker) at Becka’s.

Motivation: Everyone is motivated in different ways, and your friends just get you. While Becka works on motivating you while you are in class, in her texts, and on social media, having a friend along with you can give you motivation at Karaoke night and Girls Night Out.

Exercise Variety: You will see some partner exercises come into play this month. If you don’t have a friend with you, no fret, it will be changed for you. But doing exercises with a partner brings a whole new level of challenge, and often belly laughs, with it.

Competition: Becka’s Boot Camp is a friendly and supportive environment. Sometimes healthy competition is what we thrive on. It isn’t that you need to beat your friend, but it is helpful to have someone to pace yourself against.

More Fun: Becka is always laughing and talking through your work out, but that doesn’t mean it is easy. Having a friend in the class will just increase the fun factor, whether you are sharing stories or struggling through an exercise, friends really do make it more fun.

Get Better Results: Working out will not get you the results you desire on their own. What you fuel your body with, the amount of sleep you get, the quantity of water you drink, and your attitude towards your success will affect your results, having a friend on the journey with you can help make you more successful for all of the reasons listed here.

If you are interested in joining us for October, check out the calendar and see when we fit your life and schedule!